
RockRailway Logo

Welcome to 2020 Vacation Bible School at First Lutheran Church!

Our theme is ROCKY RAILWAY, where we learn about how Jesus' power can pull us through.

This year we will be providing a virtual VBS to help keep all of our kids and their families safe while they learn. 

For more information and resources, please click here

When I was on vacation last week, I got to spend some time with three of my friends and classmates from seminary. Such time got me thinking about perceptions and life stages, about how I have been viewed in the various stages of my life. In seminary, I was seven years older than the majority of my classmates. I was an old, wise man to them. I was the guy who had seen the world and could offer different perspectives on the Scriptures or a piece of doctrine.

Here at First Lutheran, nobody views me as the wise, old man. I’m perceived by most of you as young.

As a congregation, you get different glimpses into who I am than my classmates at seminary had. They saw me in the classroom, on the basketball court, in the cafeteria, and occasionally at a brewery. You see me at the altar, in meetings, and at hospital bedsides.

I haven’t become a different person, and yet you can perhaps see how the version of me that you have seen is vastly different from the one my seminary classmates have come to know. Likewise, I’m guessing that you are perceived differently by your closest friends than perhaps you are perceived by other congregation members.

Our God has called us into relationships. Trust gets built and earned in these relationships through quality time, and I’d love to spend more quality time with you all. If you’d like to get coffee or lunch sometime, let me know. If I invite you to coffee or lunch sometime, I hope you’ll say yes.

As I noted in a sermon a few weeks ago, the early church devoted itself to fellowship, to communion, to eating and drinking together, to deep relationships that strengthened the church. Let’s follow their example.

God’s blessings on your week.

Pastor Andy

Come to Roar VBS at First Lutheran!

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Make VBS Roar your mane summer event! This epic African adventure engages the whole herd.

At Roar, kids explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that powers them through this wild life.

July 8th - 12th, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. 

The cost is $15 per child*.

To register, visit FLC Concord's VBS Pro page.


*All enrolled First Lutheran Preschool Students are free.



Here is the schedule of worship services and other events during Holy Week.

Sunday, April 14

Palm Sunday Worship at 9:30 AM

Easter Egg Hunt Preparations at 11:00 AM (no Adult Bible Study)

Thursday, April 18

Maundy Thursday Worship at 7:00 PM at Faith Lutheran in Pleasant Hill (No service at First Lutheran)

Friday, April 19

Good Friday Worship at 7:00 PM (at First Lutheran)

Saturday, April 20

Community Easter Egg Hunt at 4:00 PM

Sunday, April 21

Easter Sunday Worship at 9:30 AM

Easter Brunch served by the Elders at 11:00 AM (no Adult Bible Study)


Here are updates from First Lutheran Church.

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LCMS logoFirst Evangelical Lutheran Church is a member of the California-Nevada-Hawaii District of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a family of congregations focused on bringing Christ to the nations and sharing His unconditional saving Love within our community.

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