The members of First Lutheran are active in the community, and we strive to serve our neighbors as they may need.
As Christians we believe in the power of prayer. We continually include the safety and health of our neighbors and community in our prayers.
We act on our faith in support of our prayers. We may be able to help with a ride, hot meal, or a listening ear. Many of our activities are intended as a "no pressure" and "no committment" way of quietly helping our neighbors.
We aren't professional counselors, but we do listen well without judging. If you are struggling with a difficult issue or have questions about "how God works", please, please contact Pastor Maschke in the Church Office for a confidential and private meeting. If we can't help, we will try to place you in contact with the proper resources.
First Lutheran Church invites you to use our prayer chain. The prayer chain consists of a group of church members who will pray for you and your family in time of crisis or need. Your requests are taken in all seriousness and kept in strictest confidence; shared outside the chain only with your direction and permission.
To request a prayer, call the church office at (925) 671-9942 or email your request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(And adults, too.) If the “cook” of your household is temporarily unavailable for any reason - hospitalized, out of town due to emergency, illness etc. - allow us to help you. We will deliver meals suitable for a family to your home. Call or email the Church Office (see above) with your name, address, and the number of adults and children in your family. Let us know if your family has any food allergies or cannot eat certain foods
Our annual Crab Feed isn't about grouchy members! It's our gala GREAT time fundraiser for the Church and Preschool.
This is a COMMUNITY EVENT ... all are welcome!
Normally held near the end of January each year, the feed is often sold out early. Proceeds from ticket sales, the silent auction, and raffles at the dinner have yielded significant funds over the years to improve and maintain our Preschool facility for better security and safety and to purchase new playyard grass, equipment and the like.
Tickets are typically available in December, get yours early! Space limitations and safety requires us to limit attendance at this popular event.
First Evangelical Lutheran Church is a member of the California-Nevada-Hawaii District of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a family of congregations focused on bringing Christ to the nations and sharing His unconditional saving Love within our community. |