
  • And they remembered His words

    The women at the tomb remember Jesus' words, how He predicted His death and resurrection. They tell the great good news of His resurrection but nobody believes them.
  • Easter Sunday Is the Day the Lord Has Made

    Every Sunday, the first words I greet the congregation are these: “This is the day that the Lord has made.” And the congregation responds: “Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

    You may not realize it, but this is a quote from the Bible, from Psalm 118:24. People have often used this quote to remind them that every new day is a day that the Lord has made, that every day is a day in which we should rejoice, because God has made it. God still rules and reigns and provides for His creation. This is good news. It is a good thing to remember.

    And yet, if we look at the context of this verse, we find an ever deeper meaning. In Psalm 118:22, the Psalmist (probably David), writes another familiar verse, “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” Jesus quotes this in Mark 12:10-11, on the Tuesday of Holy Week between Palm Sunday and Easter. Jesus includes Psalm 118:23 as well, “This was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.”

    So when we take these three verses together, we get the following:

    “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.
    This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.
    This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

    And we begin to see a different picture. “This is the day” is referring to something specific. It is not referring to any day or every day. It is referring to a singular day. It is referring to Easter Sunday. Though Israel and the Jewish leaders rejected Jesus, God laid the foundation for the church, God laid the cornerstone—Jesus—by raising Him from the dead.

    Easter is truly marvelous in our eyes. The very reason we gather on Sundays for worship is because Jesus was raised from the dead on a Sunday. Every Sunday, we celebrate a little Easter. Every Sunday we remember that Easter is the day the Lord has made, an eighth day of creation. A new beginning to a new creation that sees Jesus risen from the dead and reveals our future hope of the resurrection of the dead when Jesus returns.

    We rejoice and are glad in the truth that even though Jesus was rejected, despised, stricken, smitten, and afflicted—God made Jesus the cornerstone. God made Jesus’ death and resurrection the cornerstone of our faith. We build and rebuild upon Him week after week, day after day.  So this Easter Sunday as we gather for worship, we will again speak those words and they will be profound. This, this Easter Day, is the Day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

    God’s blessings on your week.

    Pastor Andy

  • Holy Week Schedule

    Here is the schedule of worship services and other events during Holy Week.

    Sunday, April 14

    Palm Sunday Worship at 9:30 AM

    Easter Egg Hunt Preparations at 11:00 AM (no Adult Bible Study)

    Thursday, April 18

    Maundy Thursday Worship at 7:00 PM at Faith Lutheran in Pleasant Hill(No service at First Lutheran)

    Friday, April 19

    Good Friday Worship at 7:00 PM (at First Lutheran)

    Saturday, April 20

    Community Easter Egg Hunt at 4:00 PM

    Sunday, April 21

    Easter Sunday Worship at 9:30 AM

    Easter Brunch served by the Elders at 11:00 AM (no Adult Bible Study)

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