WHO: Everyone: young, old, married, single, those who attend church, those who do not attend church.  No prior Bible knowledge needed.

WHAT: Small Group Bible Study (Cell groups of 5-15 people), designed to grow and multiply and form new groups when they reach 12-15 people.

WHERE: At the home of a group member or at church, depending on the group.

WHEN: Groups meet weekly at various times convenient to you.  Schedule available through the Church Office (925) 671-9942.

  • Sunday: 6:30 pm - held in host homes, rotating from one week to the next.  Contact the Church Office for directions.
  • Monday: 7:00 pm - in the Education Room at church.

WHY: To increase opportunities for you to be involved in Bible study, to grow your friendship with Jesus, to develop friendships with others, to introduce others to Jesus.

HOW: You may attend a group or host a group in your home or be trained to facilitate a group, now or in the future.

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LCMS logoFirst Evangelical Lutheran Church is a member of the California-Nevada-Hawaii District of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a family of congregations focused on bringing Christ to the nations and sharing His unconditional saving Love within our community.

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