Lutheran Hour

The Lutheran Hour was first broadcast Oct. 2, 1930 and continues on the air today, making it the world’s oldest continually broadcast Christ-centered radio program. To learn more and access additional show resources, visit
The Lutheran Hour
  1. Dr. Jeff Gibbs and podcaster Jessica Bordeleau join Dr. Michael Zeigler to talk about St. Paul's harrowing journey to Rome.
  2. The gracious words of God change our lives for the better, tell us of our inheritance, and remind us that we are part of a much larger family.
  3. Like sheep that need a shepherd, followers of Christ need pastors who will come looking for them when they stray.
  4. The Holy Spirit empowers us to open our mouths and share Jesus, so that all might have what none of us deserve.
  5. People can be passionate about sports, gardening, video games, or family. All those things can be good, but none of them can save you.
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LCMS logoFirst Evangelical Lutheran Church is a member of the California-Nevada-Hawaii District of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a family of congregations focused on bringing Christ to the nations and sharing His unconditional saving Love within our community.

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