That’s Socks, Blankets/Sleeping Bags, Coats and Gloves

We are seeking new crew socks (all sizes), and new or gently used blankets, sleeping bags, coats (all sizes), and gloves, to share with people who need some help keeping warm. These items will be distributed at the Giving Thanks at Thanksgiving dinner offered at First Lutheran Church on Thanksgiving Day. Monetary donations are also greatly appreciated and may be submitted using the secure "Simply Giving" link on our website or by CLICKING HERE.

Please bring your donations to:

First Lutheran Church
4000 Concord Blvd, Concord

If you have any questions, please call (925) 483-4913.

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LCMS logoFirst Evangelical Lutheran Church is a member of the California-Nevada-Hawaii District of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a family of congregations focused on bringing Christ to the nations and sharing His unconditional saving Love within our community.

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