Come join in an over-the-top underground adventure the week of July 18-22 at First Lutheran Church!  In this year's "Cave Quest" Vacation Bible School we will be "exploring" God's word to learn practical ways to follow Jesus, the Light of the World.

Details of this year's activities may be found by following this link:

Please register your child or children on the VBS website at Payments may be made using our secure online payment process, "Simply Giving" from Vanco.  Select the "Simply Giving Online" main item on and select "2016 VBS Registration" to properly catagorize your payment. The same payment screen appears when you select giving or reistration on the VBS menu.

Please have your child arrive by 9:00 am and come to pick them up at 12 noon (come a few minutes early to see them sing and dance at closing!). Cost is $40 for the first child and $30 for each additional child. A healthy snack will be provided. Please put sunscreen on your child if necessary as we will be outside for part of the day.

Let us know if you would like to volunteer! Even if you can only make it for part of the day (or one day only) we will have a place for you!

For questions or information please contact the church office at (925) 671-9942 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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LCMS logoFirst Evangelical Lutheran Church is a member of the California-Nevada-Hawaii District of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a family of congregations focused on bringing Christ to the nations and sharing His unconditional saving Love within our community.

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