For me, one of the most challenging things about our current situation is trying to discern the massive amounts of communication from never ending sources. It seems like everybody thinks they have knowledge and wants to share it far and wide. Not surprisingly, the Bible has some applicable words on the topic.

The Apostle Paul writes the following in 1 Corinthians 8:

“We know that ‘all of us possess knowledge.’ This ‘knowledge’ puffs up, but love builds up. If anyone imagines that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know. But if anyone loves God, he is known by God.”

Knowledge puffs up. Please understand, I think we need facts and information. Facts and information are essential, especially in a time like this. But once we’ve heard the facts and information (and seven people’s opinions that might not be based on facts), we blend all of that into our own personal mixture of knowledge. We filter out what and who we don’t like. We add extra doses of the information that is most important to us. And we come out with a so-called “knowledge” that doesn’t encourage anyone, but only puffs up our own egos.

But Paul offers another way: the way of love. Love builds up. Love encourages. We can never have enough knowledge. We will always be lacking. But as we love God and love others, we find that far more important than what we know is that we are known. We are known by God. We are known by love.

God’s blessings on your day. Keep the faith.

Pastor Andy

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