Image may contain: sky, nature and outdoor, text that says 'For you were once darkness, but now you are lightin the Lord. Live as children of light! Ephesians 5:8 NIV'

One of the things we are still allowed to do in this time of sheltering in place is to go outside to walk or run. I had been walking and running outside regularly, but it’s different now. I jumped over a few hedges yesterday to make sure I kept appropriate social distance from other people who were out walking or running. Normally this would have been an extremely strange thing for me to do, but now it is an act of love.

In Ephesians 5, Paul talks about how since we have been removed from darkness and are now children of light. He encourages us to walk in the light, not in darkness. To walk in wisdom, not foolishness. To walk with the Lord, not in sin.

The weeks to come are going to be challenging for a lot of people. The lack of community is going to feel like darkness to many of us. When we have opportunity, we are going to need to be light in this dark world. When you are out for a walk, say hello to people, smile, wave. When you are out shopping for essentials, be kind to others. Just because we are keeping our distance doesn’t mean we need to be distant emotionally.

Be warm. Be friendly. Be light. For Christ has shined on you.

God’s blessings on your day. Keep the faith.

Pastor Andy

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