
Lay Ministry provides a multitude of opportunities to support the church and community.  Our prayer and outreach ministries are included in the work of this Board.

In part, Board activities include:

Members of First Lutheran are also active in LWML (Lutheran Women's Missionary League, or Lutheran Women in Mission) and LLL (Lutheran Laymen's League and Lutheran Hour Ministrires).  These national and world-level ministries provide local fellowship to learn more about local and world missionary and evangelism work done by these organizations, the opportunity to get to know more about and be more involved in local outreach.

The members of First Lutheran are confident in the promise and power of prayer.  Please contact the Church Office or Pastor with any concerns or joys you may have, and your request will be passed in confidence to our faithful and dedicated Prayer Chain. The women and men of the Prayer Chain will take your request to the Lord and keep it under His protective umbrella of Grace.